, \t\t , This article demonstrates how to hide the start button in Windows.,,procedure hideStartbutton(visi:boolean);,, Var,, Tray, Child : hWnd;,, C : Array[0..127] of Char;,, S : string;,, begin,, Tray := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', NIL);,, Child := GetWindow(Tray, GW_CHILD);,, while Child <> 0 do,, begin,, if GetClassName(Child, C, SizeOf(C)) > 0 then,, begin,, S := StrPAS(C);,, if UpperCase(S) = 'BUTTON' then,, begin,, startbutton_handle:=child;,, If Visi then ShowWindow(Child, 1) else ShowWindow(Child, 0);,, end; , ,, end;,, Child := GetWindow(Child, GW_HWNDNEXT);,, end;,, end;,,
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