tæller hændelser i en snor

, en funktion, der returnerer det antal gange substring forekommer i en snor.There's also an ANSI version.,,,Counting occurrences in a string,,,, The following functions return the number of occurrences of a char or a substring within a string or ANSI string:,,, interface,,, function Occurs(const str: string; c: char): integer; overload;,, function Occurs(const str: string; const substr: string): integer;,, overload;,, function AnsiOccurs(const str: string; const substr: string): integer;,,, implementation,,, uses sysutils;,,, function Occurs(const str: string; c: char): integer;,, //Returns the number of times a character occurs in a string,, var,, p: PChar;,, begin,, Result := 0;,, p := PChar(Pointer(str));,, while p <> nil do begin,, p := StrScan(p, c);,, if p <> nil then begin,, inc(Result);,, inc(p);,, end;,, end;,, end;,,, function Occurs(const str: string; const substr: string): integer;,, //Returns the number of times a substring occurs in a string,, var,, p, q: PChar;, , , n: integer;,, begin,, Result := 0;,, n := Length(substr);,, if n = 0 then exit;,, q := PChar(Pointer(substr));,, p := PChar(Pointer(str));,, while p <> nil do begin,, p := StrPos(p, q);,, if p <> nil then begin,, inc(Result);,, inc(p, n);,, end;,, end;,, end;,,, function AnsiOccurs(const str: string; const substr: string): integer;,, //Returns the number gange en substring forekommer i en snor, //ansi udgave, var, p, q: pchar;,, n: heltal, begynder, resultat: = 0, n = længde (substr), hvis n = 0 og udpassage, q.: = pchar (point (substr));, p: = pchar (point (str), mens p < > nul begynder, p: = ansistrpos (p, q), hvis p < > nul, så begynder, inc. (følge);,, inc. (p, n);,,,,,,,,,,,

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