,,,, nuttige toetsenbord, ubuntu, voor degenen die de sleutels liefhebbers, daar, het is een lange lijst, toetsenbord, ubuntu Hardy.De meeste van hen moeten in de vorige versie van 'ubuntu',,, en.Enjoy the list.,I have already Posted ,Yahoo messanger Shortcut Keys,Windows Keyboard Shortcuts, & ,Gmail hotkeys, to work Fast.,,,General keyboard shortcuts,,,,Ctrl + A, = Select all,,Ctrl + C, = Copy the highlighted content to clipboard,,Ctrl + V, = Paste the clipboard content,,Ctrl + N, = New (Create a new document, not in terminal),,Ctrl + O, = Open a document,,Ctrl + S, = Save the current document,,Ctrl + P, = Print the current document,,Ctrl + W, = Close the close document,,Ctrl + Q, = Quit the current application,,,Keyboard shortcuts for GNOME desktop,,,,Ctrl + Alt + F1, = Switch to the first virtual terminal,,Ctrl + Alt + F2(F3)(F4)(F5)(F6), = Select the different virtual terminals,,Ctrl + Alt + F7, = Restore back to the currenT - terminal zitting met X, CTRL + alt + backspace, = ten, kabouter, alt rekening, = - tussen programma 's, open, CTRL + alt + L = sluit de screen., alt + f1 = ga' s, de aanvragen, alt + F2 = ga, de toepassing van dialoog. Ren. Alt + F3 = ga de Deskbar applet, alt + F4, = closes de huidige naar het raam.,, alt + F5, = unmaximizes de huidige naar het raam.,, alt + F = gaan, de huidige raam, alt + F8 = resizes de huidige naar het raam.,, alt + 9 = minimizes de huidige naar het raam.,, alt + F = maximizes, de huidige naar het raam.,, alt + ruimte, = ga het raam menu.,, CTRL + alt + + + + + + + de volgende resolutie:, = X.,, CTRL + alt + – = - X te vorige resolutie, CTRL + alt + Left/Right, = die aan de next/previous werkruimte, toetsenbord, kort.Tcuts voor terminal,,,, CTRL + a = zet de cursor to begin van de lijn,, CTRL + E = Move cursor to einde van de lijn, CTRL + C = kills de huidige.,, CTRL + Z -, noch het huidige proces = aan de background.,, CTRL + D = stammen. Je.,, CTRL + R = vindt de laatste commando die de die de letters.,, enter A brief, gevolgd door een rekening + rekening, =. De beschikbaar commands begin met die letters.,, CTRL + E, = deletes de huidige lijn.,, CTRL + K, = deletes het commando van de cursor., CTRL + W = deletes, het woord voor de cursor.,, CTRL + L = clears de terminal output, shift + CTRL + C, een kopie van de highlighted = commando aan de clipboard.,, shift + CTRL + V (of shift + wordt), de inhoud van de clipboard. = pastes, alt + F = gaat forward one word.,,Alt + B, = moves backward one word.,,Arrow Up/Down, = browse command history,,Shift + PageUp /PageDown, = Scroll terminal output,,,Keyboard shortcuts for Compiz,,,,Alt + Tab, = switch between open windows,,Win + Tab, = switch between open windows with ,Shift Switcher, or ,Ring Switcher, effect,,Win + E, = Expo, show all workspace,,Ctrl + Alt + Down, = Film Effect,,Ctrl + Alt + Left mouse button, = Rotate Desktop Cube,,Alt + Shift + Up, = Scale Windows.,,Ctrl + Alt + D, = Show Desktop,,Win + Left mouse button, = take screenshot on selected area,,Win + Mousewheel, = Zoom In/Out,,Alt + Mousewheel ,= Transparent Window,,Alt + F8, = Resize Window,,Alt + F7, = Move Window,,Win + P, = Add Helper,,F9 ,= show widget layer,,Shift + F9, = show water effects,,Win + Shift + Left mouse button, = Fire Effects,,Win + Shift + C, = Clear Fire Effects,,Win + Left mouse button, = Annotate: Draw,,Win + 1, = Start annotation,,Win + 3, = End annotation,,Win + S, = selects windows for grouping,,Win + T, = Group Windows together,,Win + U, = Ungroup Windows,,Win + Left/Right, = Flip Windows,,,Keyboard shortcut for Nautilus,,,,Shift + Ctrl + N, = Create New Folder,,Ctrl + T, = Delete selected file(s) to trash,,Alt + ENTER, = Show File/Folder Properties,,Ctrl + 1, = Toggle View As Icons,,Ctrl + 2, = Toggle View As List,,Shift + Right, = Open Directory (Only in List View),,Shift + Left, = Close Directory (Only in List View),,Ctrl + S, = Select Pattern,,F2, = Rename File,,Ctrl + A, = Select all files and folders,,Ctrl + W, = Close Window,,Ctrl + Shift + W, = Close All Nautilus Windows,,Ctrl + R, = Reload Nautilus Window,,Alt + Up, = Open parent directory,,Alt + Left, = Back,,Alt + Right, = Forward.,,Alt + Home, = go to Home folder,,Ctrl + L, = go to location bar,,F9, = Show sidepane,,Ctrl + H, = Show Hidden Files,,Ctrl + +, = Zoom In,,Ctrl + –, = Zoom Out,,Ctrl + 0, = Normal Size,,(For those who want to configure your own, keyboard shortcuts,you can do it at ,,System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts,.),,Fact You Must Know:,Google ,,,uses, Ubuntu Linux(Highly Secured Os) Operating System Only.,,,Don’t forget to Share your Views about Ubuntu Linux.,,,,,,
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