Hoe de vervanging van de beschadigde laptop scherm,

gebroken, Mac Book LCD - scherm?Gezien het verkopen of een nieuwe kopen, proberen een nieuwe scherm te vervangen en kijken of het niet beter met je laptop.Als je een doe het zelf, man, deze voorstellen kan je helpen om dit werk te doen.  , 1.     alle materiaal nodig:,, ter vervanging van LCD - ervoor zorgen dat het een met Je huidige (en) van LCD - schermen, 1.5-sized magnetische schroevendraaier, een moersleutel   ellen,... Pincet, instrumenten, 2.       beginnen te werken, met uitzondering van batterijen als energiebron.Zorg ervoor dat je de computer is helemaal uit de macht om te voorkomen dat de elektrische schok.Dit is de beste baan in een blanke oppervlak, zodat je het kan zien dat je de computer van alle te delen.3.       controleer je computer zoeken naar de positie van de schroef.Sommige mensen kunnen er vier duidelijke Alan schroeven, wat er op het oppervlak van de rubberen stop zichtbaar, en ze zei, schroeven, LCD - scherm en samen.Kijk naar alle bewakers zijn hetzelfde. - als je niet – om ervoor te zorgen dat elke geplaatst na de montage en demontage. 4, het verwijderen van alle schroeven,      , los van de lijst met nieuwsgierige instrument.Na het openen, het team, het scannen van alle dingen, zien hoe je kan het schrappen van de oude LCD - scherm, maar niet verwarren met de draad en band.Een specifieke plaats en het gebruik van draad of die tape, waar ze worden geplaatst.Verwijder alle in verband met de LCD - maar rekening houdend met de afscherming met een oude liquid crystal display omdat het moet worden gemonteerd op dezelfde plaats, als je de installatie van nieuwe liquid crystal display.      , 5.       zal ongeveer 6 - of niet - - - ze langs de aan beide zijden van Het verwijderen van alle open verbinding.In dit geval kan in de volgende metalen metalen band onder de tape vinden een verbinding, en in het kader van de linker hoek een snoer.Kan je je vingers of met klem om ze te tekenen.Als er een andere band, je kan dat niet hier genoemd, maar deze te schrappen, maar het daar geplaatst zodat je ze kan terug naar het nieuwe liquid crystal display.    , 6. In de oude       achter de schermen, zie je de fabrikant in vergelijking met de nieuwe naam van LCD - als de LCD - model met de oude.Als dat zo is, dan is het veilig worden vervangen, als er geen contact op te nemen met de fabrikant of de nieuwe liquid crystal display en een andere bron van orders.Je moet niet met vloeibare - kristallenschermen van een fabrikant als gebroken liquid crystal display, model is gewoon hetzelfde.7.       het installeren van nieuwe LCD - proces voor de omkering van de verwijdering van de oude.Wat wil dit ding lang genoeg geluisterd.Om ervoor te zorgen dat alle verbindingen en banden in het oorspronkelijke standpunt.Als je moet ervoor zorgen dat alle draden zal voorkomen dat ze, doe het deksel erop en tape.  , 8.       lokale dekken, en indien nodig – de nodige aanpassingen aan te brengen.Controleer alle mogelijke druk op de rand van de draad, kijk eens naar al die kloof is gesloten.Alle bouten en rubber stop je computer een origineel, 9.       terug naar de cel, zet het op je computer van de resultaten van de tests.,,, createinlinescriptelement ("(% 20leo_highlights_debug% 20%%%%%%% 3D 20true 20% 3D%%% 20leo_highlights_debug_pos 3b 0avar 20false 3b 0avar%% 20300% 3D 3%%% 20% 20% 20leo_highlights_infinite_loop_count 0avar 20leo_highlights_max_highlights 20200%%%% 3D% 3D% 20% 20% 0avar 3b 20leo_highlights_iframe_id 22leohighlights_iframe%%%%% 3D% 20% 20% 0avar 20leo_highlights_iframe_div_id 3b 22leohighlights_iframe_modal_div_container% 22%%% 20leo_highlights_show_ 0avar 3bDELAY_MS = 300; var LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_HIDE_DELAY_MS = 750; var LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_BACKGROUND_STYLE_DEFAULT = "transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%"; var LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_BACKGROUND_STYLE_HOVER = % 22rgb(245,245,0) none repeat scroll 0% 0%"; var _leoHighlightsPrevElem = null; /** * General method used to debug exceptions * * @param location * @param e * @ return */ function _leoHighlightsReportExeception(location,e) { if(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_DEBUG) { alert("EXCEPTION: "+location+": "+e+ " \t"+e.name+" \t"+(e.number&0xFFFF)+" \t"+e.description); } } /** * This is a dimensions object * * @param width * @param height * @return% 0A */ function LeoHighlightsDimension(width,height) { try { this.width=width; this.height=height; this.toString=function() { return ("("+ this.width+","+this.height+")");}; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("new LeoHighlightsDimension()",e); } } /** * This is a Position object * * @param x * @param y * @return */ function LeoHighlightsPosition(x,y) { try { this.x=x; this.y% 3Dy; this.toString=function() { return ("("+this.x+","+this.y+")");}; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("new% 20LeoHighlightsPosition()",e); } } var LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_ADJUSTMENT = new LeoHighlightsPosition(3,3); var LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_HOVER_SIZE = new LeoHighlightsDimension(394,236)20%%%%%%%% 20leo_highlights_iframe_click_size 0avar 3b - 28394% 20leohighlightsdimension 2c512% 29% 20% 20%%% 3D% 0avar 3b 20leo_highlights_close_bar_height 2040%% 20%%%%%% 20leo_highlights_div_hover_size 0avar 3b - 28leo_highlights_iframe_hover_size 20 20leohighlightsdimension. Breedte% 2C%%% 09% 09% 09leo_highlights_iframe_hover_size. De hoogte van leo_highlights_close_bar_height%%% + 29% van 20leo_highlights_div_click_size 0avar 3b% 20% 20%%% 3D 20leohighlightsdimension 28leo_highlights_iframe_click_size%%%%%. De breedte van 2 0A - 09 09leo_highlights_iframe_click_size. De hoogte van leo_highlights_close_bar_height%%%% + 29%) 3 0a) /* *%%%%% 20% 20% * * * * * * * 20 20 20%%%%%%% van de omvang van 20passed 2% 20% 20% 20 20element * 0% 20% 20%%% × Param 20elem 0A 20 ×% 20% 20% 20% 20dim Param% 20% 20% 20 * 20 * @ rendement% /% 20_leohighligh 0afunctionTsSetSize(elem,dim) { try { //Set the popup location elem.style.width = dim.width + "px"; if(elem.width) elem.width=dim.width; elem.style.height = dim.height + "px"; if(elem.height) elem.height=dim.height; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception(% 22_leoHighlightsSetSize()",e); } } /** * This can be used for a simple one argument callback * * @param callName * @param argName * @param argVal * @return */ function _leoHighlightsSimpleGwCallBack(callName,argName, argVal) { try { var gwObj = new Gateway(); if(argName) % 20 gwObj.addParam(argName,argVal); gwObj.callName(callName); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsSimpleGwCallBack() " +callName,e); } } /** * This gets a url argument from the current document. * * @param url * @return */ function _leoHighlightsGetUrlArg(url%2% 20name% 20%%%%%%%%% 20% 20% - 7% 3D% 20name 20name. In plaats van 28% van [...] /[5%%%%%%% 22% [5c 2c 5C 5 quater van 29%. In plaats van 28 /[%]] 5c /% 22% 2c 5C% 5 quater Quater]% 22% 29% 20%%% 09% 20%%%%%% 3 20var 20%%% [22 20regexs 3D 5c 5c?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp( regexS ); var results = regex.exec(url); if( results == null ) return ""; % 20 else return results[1]; } /** * This allows to redirect the top window to the passed in url * * @param url * @return */ function _leoHighlightsRedirectTop% 28url) { try { top.location=url; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsRedirectTop()",e); } } /** * This is used to report events to the plugin * @param key * @param sub * @return */ function _leoHighlightsEvent(key, sub) { try % 20{ var gwObj = new Gateway(); gwObj.addParam("key", key); gwObj.addParam("sub", sub); gwObj.callName("leoHighlightsEvent"% 29; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsEvent()",e); } } /** * This will find an element bY Id * * @param elemId * @return */ function _leoHighlightsFindElementById(elemId) { try { var elem=document.getElementById(elemId); if(elem) return elem;% 0A /* This is the handling for IE */ if(document.all) { elem=document.all[elemId]; if(elem) return elem; % 20 for ( var i = (document.all.length-1); i>= 0; i--) { elem=document.all[i]; if(elem.id==elemId) return elem; } } } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsFindElementById()",e); } return null; } /** * Get the location of one element relative to a parent reference * * @param ref * the reference element% 2C this must be a parent of the passed in * element * @param elem * @return */ function _leoHighlightsGetLocation(ref, elem) { var couNt = 0; var location = new LeoHighlightsPosition(0,0); var walk = elem; while (walk != null &&walk != ref &&count <% 20LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_INFINITE_LOOP_COUNT) { location.x += walk.offsetLeft; location.y += walk.offsetTop; walk = walk.offsetParent; count++; % 20 } return location; } /** * This is used to update the position of an element as a popup * * @param IFrame * @param anchor * @return */ function% 20_leoHighlightsUpdAtePopupPos(iFrame,anchor) { try { //Gets the scrolled location for x and y var scrolledPos=new LeoHighlightsPosition(0,0); if(% 20self.pageYOffset ) { scrolledPos.x = self.pageXOffset; scrolledPos.y = self.pageYOffset; } else if( document.documentElement &&% 20document.documentElement.scrollTop ) { scrolledPos.x = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; scrolledPos.y = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if( document.body ) { scrolledPos.x = document.body.scrollLeft; scrolledPos.y = document.body.scrollTop; } % 20 /* Get the total dimensions to see what scroll bars might be active */ var totalDim=new LeoHighlightsDimension(0,0) if (document.all &&% 20document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight&&document.documentElement.clientWidth) { totalDim.width = document.documentElement.scrollWidth; totalDim.height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; } else if (document.all) { /* This is in IE */ % 09totalDim.width = document.body.scrollWidth; totalDim.height = document.body.scrollHeight; } else { totalDim.width =% 20document.width; totalDim.height = document.height; } //Gets the location of the available screen space var centerDim=new LeoHighLightsdimension% 280% 29% 20% 20% 20%%% gemengd 3% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 28self. Innerwidth% 26% 20% 20% 26% 29% 20self. Innerheight%%%% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20centerdim 7b% 3D% 20%. De breedte van 20self. Innerwidth% 28totaldim. Hoge% 3eself.innerheight?16% A% 29% 3%%%%%% 20subtracting 20 /20 BAR 20scroll 20offsets%%%% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20 20firefox% 20% 20% 20% 20% 3D% 20centerdim. Hoge% 20self. Innerheight% 3eself.innerwidth 28totaldim. Breedte?16:0); //subtracting scroll bar offsets for firefox } else if( document.documentElement &&document.documentElement.clientHeight ) { centerDim.width =% 20document.documentElement.clientWidth; centerDim.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if( document.body ) { centerDim.width =% 20document.body.clientWidth; centerDim.height = document.body.clientHeight; } //Get the current dimension of the popup elEment var iFrameDim=new LeoHighlightsDimension(iFrame.offsetWidth,iFrame.offsetHeight) if (iFrameDim.width <= 0) iFrameDim.width = iFrame.style.width.substring% 280, iFrame.style.width.indexOf('px')); if (iFrameDim.height <= 0) iFrameDim.height = iFrame.style.height.substring(0, iFrame.style.height.indexOf('px')); % 20 /* Calculate the position, lower right hand corner by default */ var position=new LeoHighlightsPosition(0,0); position.x=scRolledPos.x+centerDim.width-iFrameDim.width-LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_ADJUSTMENT.x; position.y=scrolledPos.y+centerDim.height-iFrameDim.height-LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_ADJUSTMENT.y; if% 28anchor!=null) { //centerDim in relation to the anchor element if available var topOrBottom = false; var% 20anchorPos=_leoHighlightsGetLocation(document.body, anchor); var anchorScreenPos = new LeoHighlightsPosition(anchorPos.x-scrolledPos.x,anchorPos.y-scrolledPos.y); vAr anchorDim=new LeoHighlightsDimension(anchor.offsetWidth,anchor.offsetHeight) if (anchorDim.width <= 0) anchorDim.width = anchor.style.width.substring(0,% 20anchor.style.width.indexOf('px')); if (anchorDim.height <= 0) anchorDim.height = anchor.style.height.substring(0, anchor.style.height.indexOf('px'% 29); //Check if the popup can be shown above or below the element if (centerDim.height - anchorDim.height - iFrameDim.height - anchorScrEenPos.y> 0) { //Show below, formula above calculates space below open iFrame position.y = anchorPos.y + anchorDim.height; % 20 topOrBottom = true; } else if (anchorScreenPos.y - anchorDim.height - iFrameDim.height> 0) { //Show above, formula above% 20calculates space above open iFrame position.y = anchorPos.y - iFrameDim.height - anchorDim.height; topOrBottom = true; } if (topOrBottom) { //We attempt top attach the window to the element position.x% 20= anchorPos.x - iFrameDim.width /2; if (position.x <0) position.x = 0; else if (position.x + iFrameDim.width> scrolledPos.x + centerDim.width) position.x = scrolledPos.x + centerDim.width - iFrameDim.width; } else { //Attempt to align on the right or left hand side if (centerDim.width - anchorDim.Width - iFrameDim.width - anchorScreenPos.x> 0) % 20 position.x = anchorPos.x + anchorDim.width; else if (anchorScreenPos.x - anchorDim.width - iFrameDim.width> 0) % 20 position.x = anchorPos.x - anchorDim.width; else //default to below position.y = anchorPos.y + anchorDim.height; } } /* Make sure that we don't go passed the right hand border */ if(position.x+ iFrameDim.width>centerDim.width-20) position.x=centerDim.width-(iFrameDim.width+20); //Make sure that we didn't go passed the start % 20if(position.x<0) position.x=0; if(position.y<0) position.y=0; if (LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_DEBUG_POS&&LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_DEBUG) { alert(" Popup info id: " +iFrame.id+" - "+anchor.id + " scrolled " + scrolledPos % 20 + " center/visible " + centerDim + " anchor (absolute) " + anchorPos + "% 5Cnanchor (screen) " + anchorScreenPos + " Size (anchor) " + anchorDim + " Size (popup) " + iFrameDim + " Result pos " + position); } //Set the popup location iFrame.style.left = position.x + "px"; iFrame.style.top = position.y + "px"; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception(% 22_leoHighlightsUpdatePopupPos()",e); } } /** * This will show the passed in element as a popup * * @param anchorId * @param size * * @retuRn */ function _leoHighlightsShowPopup(anchorId,size) { try { var popup=new LeoHighlightsPopup(anchorId,size); popup.show(); } catch(e)% 0A { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsShowPopup()",e); } } /** * This will transform the passed in url to a rover url * *% 20@param url * @return */ function _leoHighlightsGetRoverUrl(url) { var rover="711-36858-13496-14"; var roverUrl="http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/"+rover+"/4?&mpre="+encodeURI(url); return roverUrl; } /** * Class for a Popup * * @param anchorId * @param size * * @return */ function LeoHighlightsPopup% 28anchorId,size) { try { this.anchorId=anchorId; this.anchor=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(this.anchorId); this.iFrame=_leoHighlightsFindElementById% 28LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_ID); this.iFrameDiv=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_DIV_ID); var url=unescape(this.anchor.getAttribute('leoHighlights_url')); % 20 this.iFrame.src=url; leoHighlightsSetSize(size); this.updatePos=function() { _leoHighlightsUpdatePopupPos(this.iFrameDiv,this.anchor)}; this.show=function() % 7Bthis.updatePos(); this.iFrameDiv.style.visibility = "visible"; this.iFrameDiv.style.display = "block"; this.updatePos();} this.scroll=function() { this.updatePos()% 3B}; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("new LeoHighlightsPopup()",e); } } /** * * This can be used to cloSe%%% * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) 20iframe% 20% 20% 20% 20 20id Param *% 20%%% @ terug * /0afunction 20leohighlightssetsize%%%%%%%%%% 09try 28size 2cclickid 7b%%%%%%% 09% 09 een 7b% 20% /09 (*) fouten. 20sizes 20appropriate% 20%%% 20% 20% * * * * * * * /09) 09var%%%%%%%% 20iframe 3d_leohighlightsfindelementbyid 28leo_highlights_iframe_id 3% 20% 20%%%%%%% 09var 09% 29% 20iframediv 3d_leohighlightsfindelementbyid 28leo_highlights_iframe_div_id 3% 20% 20% 20% 20% 09% 09% 09% 20%%%%%% 20figure 09 /* * * * * * * dat 20%%%%%% van 20 20correct 20sizes * /09 09var% 20% 20% 20%%%%%% 3D% 3D 28size 20iframesize 3D1 29?Leo_highlights_iframe_click_size%%%% 3aleo_highlights_iframe_hover_size 3 0A% 20% 20% 09%%%%%%% 09var 20divsize - 3D - 28size% 29 gevonden?LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_DIV_CLICK_SIZE:LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_DIV_HOVER_SIZE; /* Refresh the iFrame's url, by removing the size arg and adding it again */ var url=iFrame.src; var idx% 3Durl.indexOf("&size="); if(idx>=0) url=url.substring(0,idx); url+=("&size="+size); if(clickId) url+=("&clickId="+clickId); iFrame.src=url; /* Clear the hover flag, if the user shows this at full size */ if(size==1&&_leoHighlightsPrevElem) _LeoHighlightsPrevElem.hover=false; _leoHighlightsSetSize(iFrame,iFrameSize); _leoHighlightsSetSize(iFrameDiv,divSize); } catch(e) { % 09_leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsSetSize()",e); } } /** * Start the popup a little bit delayed. * Somehow IE needs some time to find the element by id. * * @param anchorId * @param size * * @return */ function leoHighlightsShowPopup(anchorId,size) { try { var elem=_leoHighlightsFindElementById% 28anchorId); if(_leoHighlightsPrevElem&&(_leoHighlightsPrevElem!=elem)) _leoHighlightsPrevElem.shown=false; elem.shown=true; _leoHighlightsPrevElem=elem; /* FF% 20needs to find the element first */ _leoHighlightsFindElementById(anchorId); setTimeout("_leoHighlightsShowPopup(\'"+anchorId+"\',\'"+size+"\');",10)% 3B } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsShowPopup()",e); } } /** * * This can be used to close aN iframe * * @param id * @return */ function leoHighlightsHideElem(id) { try { /* Get the appropriate sizes */ var elem=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(id); if% 28elem) elem.style.visibility="hidden"; /* Clear the page for the next run through */ var iFrame=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_ID); % 20 if(iFrame) iFrame.src="about:blank"; if(_leoHighlightsPrevElem) { _leoHighlightsPrevElem.shown=false; _leoHighlightsPrevElem=null; } } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsHideElem()",e); } } /** * * This can be used to% 20close an iframe. * Since the iFrame is reused the frame only gets hidden * * @return */ function leoHighlightsIFrameClose() { try { _leoHighlightsSimpleGwCallBack(% 22LeoHighlightsHideIFrame"); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsIFrameClose()",e); } } /** * This should handle the clicK events * * @param anchorId * @return */ function leoHighlightsHandleClick(anchorId) { try { var anchor=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(anchorId); % 09anchor.hover=false; if(anchor.startTimer) clearTimeout(anchor.startTimer); leoHighlightsEvent("clicked"); leoHighlightsShowPopup(anchorId,1); return false; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsHandleClick()",e); } } /** * This should Handle the hover events * * @param anchorId * @return */ function leoHighlightsHandleHover(anchorId) { try { var anchor=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(anchorId); anchor.hover=true; leoHighlightsEvent("hovered"); leoHighlightsShowPopup(anchorId,0); return false; } catch(e) { % 20 _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsHandleHover()",e); } } /** * This will handle the mouse over setup timers for the appropriate timers * * @param id * @return */ function leoHighlightsHandleMouseOver(id) { try { var anchor=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(id); /* Clear the end timer if% 20required */ if(anchor.endTimer) clearTimeout(anchor.endTimer); anchor.endTimer=null; anchor.style.background=LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_BACKGROUND_STYLE_HOVER; /* The element is% 20already showing we are done */ if(anchor.shown) return; /* Setup the start timer if required */ anchor.startTimer=setTimeout(function(){ leoHighlightsHandleHover(anchor.id); anchor.hover=true; }, LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_SHOW_DELAY_MS); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsHandleMouseOver()",e); } } /** * This will handle the mouse over setup timers for the appropriate timers * * @param id * @return */ function leoHighlightsHandleMouseOut(id) { % 09try { var anchor=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(id); /* Clear the start timer if required */ if(anchor.startTimer) clearTimeout(anchor.startTimer)%

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