video, multimedia - steun - dia 's.You can add audio or video clips to the slides which can be played during the presentation.,Given below are the steps to adding audio or video file to the slides.,,Step (1): ,Go to the ,Media ,group under the ,Insert ,ribbon, ,,Step (2): ,To insert video file select ,Video ,as media type and ,Video from File ,to insert a video from your computer or hard drive, ,,Step (3): ,In the ,Insert Video ,dialog, browse for a video file and click Insert, ,,Step (4): ,Video file is added to the slide, ,,Step (5): ,To insert audio file select ,Audio ,as media type and ,Audio from File ,to insert an Audio from your computer or hard drive, ,,Step (6): ,In the ,Insert Audio ,dialog, browse for an audio file and click ,Insert,, ,,Step (7): ,Audio file is aBij de dia 's.
De toevoeging van audio - & - 2010
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