algoritme, zoals het opsporen van wet is slechts van toepassing op Engels, beschrijving, metaphone algoritme, kunnen in deze pagina 's ook een dubbele metaphone... Dit is c en aspell website,,, reeds een beschrijving en je kan sourceforge in Delphi in de versie is veel beter dan dat,,,,, de volgende code vinden, krijg ik het vertaald htdig zoekmachine eenheid, die in de C - maar ik de vertaling niet goed, waarom?Omdat ik de meeste van de vertaling van de C - methode en Delphi.,,, ik denk dat het stimuleren van onderzoek (sneller beter minder code opgeblazen) Deze... En ik werk in een.If you happen to have a better translation post it.,,,NOTES: This algorithm as well as soundex are english only so no unicode support, or support for ñ, á, é í and miscelaneous characters,,,,,function ,MetaPhone3(,const ,Word:,String,; KeyLength: Integer = ,10,): ,String,;,,, ,function ,Same(x: Char): Boolean;,, ,begin,, ,Result := x ,in ,[,'F',,,'J',,,'L',,,'M',,,'N',,,'R',];,, ,end,;,,, ,function ,Vowel(x: Char): Boolean;,, ,begin,, ,Result := x ,in ,[,'A',,,'E',,,'I',,,'O',,,'U',];,, ,end,;,,, ,function ,Varson(x: Char): Boolean;,, ,begin,, ,Result := x ,in ,[,'C',,,'G',,,'P',,,'S',,,'T',];,, ,end,;,,, ,function ,Noghf(x: Char): Boolean;,, ,begin,, ,Result := x ,in ,[,'B',,'D',,'H',];,, ,end,;,,, ,function ,FrontV(x: Char): Boolean;,, ,begin,, ,Result := x ,in ,[,'E',,'I',,'Y',],, ,end,;,,,var,, ,i: Integer;,, Tmp:,String,;,,begin,, ,Tmp := Trim(UpperCase(Word));,,, i := ,1,;,, ,while ,(i > ,0,) ,do,, begin,, if ,(Tmp[i] ,in ,[,'G',,'K',,'P',]) ,and ,(Tmp[i+,1,] = ,'N',),, ,or ,((Tmp[i] = ,'A',) ,and ,(Tmp[i+,1,] = ,'E',)),, ,or ,((Tmp[i] = ,'W',) ,and ,(Tmp[i+,1,] = ,'R',)) ,then ,Delete(Tmp, i,1,);,,, ,if ,(Tmp[i] = ,'W',) ,and ,(Tmp[i+,1,] = ,'H',) ,then,, ,Delete(Tmp,2,,1,);,,, ,if ,(Tmp[i] = ,'X',) ,then ,Tmp[i] := ,'S',;,,, i := pos(,' ',, Tmp);,, ,if ,(i > ,0,) ,then ,Tmp[i] := ,#0,;,, ,end,;,,, i := ,0,;,, Tmp := Tmp + ,#0,;,, ,while ,(Length(Result) < KeyLength) ,do,, begin,, ,inc(i);,,, ,if ,(Tmp[i] =,#0,) ,then ,Break;,,, ,if ,(Tmp[i] = Tmp[i-,1,]) ,and ,(Tmp[i] <> ,'C',) ,then,, ,Continue;,,, ,if ,Same(Tmp[i]) ,or ,(Vowel(Tmp[i]) ,and ,(Tmp[i-,1,] = ,#0,)) ,then,, begin,, ,Result := Result + Tmp[i];,, Continue;,, ,end,;,,, ,case ,Tmp[i] ,of,, ,,'B',: ,if ,((i>=,2,) ,and ,(Tmp[i-,1,] <> ,'M',)) ,or ,(i = ,1,) ,then ,Result := Result + Tmp[i];,,, ,'C',:,, ,begin,, if ,FrontV(Tmp[i+,1,]) ,and ,(Tmp[i-,1,] <> ,'S',) ,then,, begin,, ,Result := Result + ,'S',;,, inc(i);, , , ,end else if ,(Copy(Tmp, i,2,) = ,'CH',) ,or ,(Copy (Tmp, i ,,3,) = ,'CIA',) ,then,, begin,, ,Result := Result + ,'X',;,, ,if ,(Copy(Tmp, i,2,) = ,'CH',) ,then ,inc(i);,, ,if ,(Copy(Tmp, i,3,) = ,'CIA',),then ,inc(i,2,);,, ,end else ,Result := Result + ,'K',;,, ,end,;,,, ,'D',: ,if ,(Copy(Tmp, i,2,) = ,'DG',) ,and ,FrontV(Tmp[i+,3,]) ,then,, begin,, ,inc(i,,3,);,, Result := Result + ,'J',;,, ,end else,, ,Result := Result + ,'T',;,,, ,'G',: ,if ,((Tmp[i+,1,] <> ,'G',) ,or ,Vowel(Tmp[i+,1,])) ,and,, ,((Tmp[i+,1,]<>,'N',) ,or ,((Tmp[i+,1,] = ,#0,) ,and ,(Tmp[i+,2,]<>,'E',),, ,or ,(Tmp[i+,3,] <>,'D',)) ,and ,((Tmp[i+,1,] <> ,'D',) ,or not ,FrontV(Tmp[i+,1,]))) ,then,, begin,, if ,(FrontV(Tmp[i+,1,])) ,and ,(Tmp[i+,2,] <> ,'G',) ,then,, ,Result := Result + ,'J',, ,,else,, ,Result := Result + ,'K',;,, ,end else if ,(Tmp[i+,1,] = ,'H',) ,and not ,noghf(Tmp[i -,3,]) ,and ,(Tmp[i -,4,] <> ,'H',) ,then,, ,Result := Result + ,'F',;,,,, ,'H',: ,if not ,Varson(Tmp[i-,1,]) ,and ,(,not ,Vowel(Tmp[i-,1,]) ,or ,Vowel(Tmp[i+,1,])) ,then,, ,Result := Result + ,'H',;,,, ,'K',: ,if ,(Tmp[i-,1,] <> ,'C',) ,then ,Result := Result + ,'K',;,,, ,'P',: ,if ,(Tmp[i+,1,] = ,'H',) ,then,, ,Result := Result + ,'F',, ,,else ,Result := Result + Tmp[i];,,, ,'Q',: Result := Result + ,'K',;,,, ,'S',: ,if ,(Tmp[i+,1,] = ,'H',) ,or ,((Copy(Tmp, i,2,) = ,'SI',),, ,and ,(Tmp[i+,3,] ,in ,[,'O',,,'A',])) ,then,, ,Result := Result + ,'X',, ,,else,, ,Result := Result + ,'S',;,,, ,'T',: ,if ,(Tmp[i+,1,] = ,'I',) ,and ,(Tmp[i+,2,] ,in ,[,'O',,,'A',]) ,then,, ,Result := Result + ,'X',, ,,else if ,(Tmp[i+,1,] = ,'H',) ,then ,Result := Result + ,'0' ,,else,, if ,(Tmp[i+,1,] <> ,'C',) ,or ,(Tmp[i+,2,] <> ,'H',) ,then ,Result := Result + ,'T',;,,, ,'V',: Result := Result + ,'F',;,,, ,'W',,,'Y',: ,if ,Vowel(Tmp[i+,1,]) ,then ,Result := Result + Tmp[i];,,, ,'X',: Result := Result + ,'KS',;,,, ,'Z',: Result := Result +",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
De stem van de methapone
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