Windows: How to Check Version of MDAC

,When installing applications that rely on MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components),  you may have a need to know the version of MDAC that is currently installed in Microsoft Windows on the PC. There are a couple of ways you can find out.,,Method 1, ,Download and install the MDAC Component Checker.,Run the application from &",C:\\CompChecker\\CC.exe,&"., ,Method 2, ,Hold down the ,Windows Key,, then press &",R,&".,Type &",regedit,&", then click &",OK,&".,Navigate to ,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ DataAccess \\ FullInstallVersion,,The version will be under &",FullInstallVer,&" and &",Version,&"., ,,,

MDAC version in registry

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