galaksen s5 ikoner er pludselig stor

, galaxy s5 ikoner pludselig er store, min forlovede é pludselig fandt, at alle de ikoner på hendes hjem skærm, var meget større omfang end tidligere.She accidentally enabled the TouchWiz easy home to be her default Home screen by selecting it on the &"Complete action using&" dialog.,,To fix this issue, she simply had to clear the the application as a default using these steps., ,From the Home screen, select the &",Apps,&" slider, then choose &",Settings,&",Select &",Applications,&",Tap &",Default applications,&".,Tap the &",Clear,&" button next to &",TouchWiz easy home,&".,Press the &",Home,&" button.,When prompted with the &"Complete action using&" screen, choose &",TouchWiz home,&" (right option).,,

Touchwiz Complete Action

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