Kindle Fire: Add/Delete Bookmarks For Web Pages

,Kindle Fire: Add/Delete Bookmarks For Web Pages, \t,Add or remove a bookmark to a web page in the Amazon Kindle Fire Silk web browser and easily access the websites you need.,,Adding a Bookmark, ,Open the web browser and visit the website you would like to bookmark.,Tap the bookmark icon located toward the upper-right area of the screen.,, ,The bookmark will then be saved for access under &",Menu,&" , > &",Bookmarks,&".,,Editing or Deleting a Bookmark, ,In the Silk browser, select the &",Menu,&" , icon at the upper left corner, then choose &",Bookmarks,&".,Select the &",Menu,&" , icon to the right of the bookmark to reveal a menu  til   &", redigere og“), og&", fjernes, og“), og“), kopi, og&" eller &" dele og&".,,

Fire bookmark icon
Android menu button
Fire Menu Bookmarks
Android menu button
Menu icon
Fire Bookmark menu

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