,First, I will give the SUMIF syntax to you for reference:,,,SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]),,,,Range,: the range of cells to be evaluated by your criteria;,,Criteria,: the condition that you want to use;,,Sum_range,: the range of cells to sum if the condition is met,,For applying this SUMIF function, I will take the following data for example:,,,,,,(1.) Sum of quantity when the product is “KTE”:,,,,=SUMIF(A2:A12,E2,C2:C12), and press ,Enter, key to get the result, (,A2:A12, is the range cells which contains the criteria,E2, is the criterion you want to sum the values based on,C2:C12, refers to the range you want to sum) see screenshot:,,,,,,(2.) Sum the quantity of all products except “KTE”:,,,,=SUMIF(A2:A12,"<>KTE",C2:C12),, then press, Enter, key to add up all product quantity excluding KTE, (,A2:A12, is the range cells which contains the criteria,<>KTE, is the criterion which excludes KTE,C2:C12, refers to the range you want to sum), see screenshot:,,,,,,(3.) Sum the quantity greater than 250:,,,,=SUMIF(C2:C12,">250"),, and press ,Enter, key to get the result, (,C2:C12, refers to the range you want to sum,>250, is the criterion you need, you also can change it to less than 250 as you need), see screenshot:,,,,,,(4.) Use SUMIF+SUMIF+… function with multiple OR criteria, sum the quantity of KTE and KTW:,,,,=SUMIF(A2:A12,"KTE",C2:C12) + SUMIF(A2:A12,"KTW",C2:C12),( ,A2:A12, is the range cells which contains the criteria,KTE, and ,KTW, are the criteria you want to sum the values based on,C2:C12, refers to the range you want to sum), and then press ,Enter, key to get the result:,,,,,,,, Sum cell values with multiple criteria in Excel,,,The SUMIFS syntax as follows:,,,SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1,[criteria_range2, criteria2],...),,,,Sum_range,: a range of cells to sum;,,Criteria_range1,: the first range which has the criteria;,,criteria1,: the first condition that must be met;,,criteria_range2, criteria2,, ...: these are additional ranges and criteria associated with them.,,,(1.) Sum the quantity where the product is KTE and name is James:,,,Please enter this formula: ,=SUMIFS(C2:C12,A2:A12,"KTE",B2:B12,"James"),,(,C2:C12, is the range of cells need to sum,A2:A12, ,KTE, are the first criteria range and criterion,B2:B12,,James,, are the second criteria range and criterion), and then press ,Enter, key, see screenshot:,,,,,Here also has an array formula can help you: ,=SUM((A2:A12="kte")*(B2:B12="James")*C2:C12),, and you need to press ,Ctrl + Shift + Enter, keys together after typing the formula.,,,(2.) Sum the quantity where the product is KTE and name is not James,,,Type this formula: ,=SUMIFS(C2:C12,A2:A12,"KTE",B2:B12,"<>James"),(,C2:C12, is the range of cells need to sum,A2:A12, ,KTE, are the first criteria range and criterion,B2:B12,,<>James,, are the second criteria range and criterion), then press ,Enter, key to get the result, see screenshot:,,,,,Another array formula also can finish this operation: =,SUM((A2:A12="kte")*(B2:B12<>"James")*C2:C12),, but you must press ,Ctrl + Shift + Enter, keys after typing this formula.,,,(3.) Sum the quantity where the product is KTE and quantity greater than 150,,,You can use this SUMIFS formula: ,=SUMIFS(C2:C12,A2:A12,"KTE",C2:C12,">150"),(,C2:C12, is the range of cells need to sum,A2:A12, ,KTE, are the first criteria range and criterionj,C2:C12,,>150,, are the second criteria range and criterion), and then tap the ,Enter, key to return the result.,,,,,You can also us the SUM array formula to get the result you want,=SUM((A2:A12="kte")*(C2:C12>150)*C2:C12), please remember to press ,Ctrl + Shift + Enter, keys after typing this formula.,,,(4.) Sum the quantity whvilke mængder mellem 100 og 200,,, at summen værdier mellem to numre, anvend formlen: = sumifs (c2: c12, c2: c12, "> 100", c2: c12, "< 200"), (, c2: c12, er antallet af celler skal beløb, c2: c12, > 100, er den første kriterier rækkevidde og kriterier, c2: c12, < 200, er det andet kriterium rækkevidde og kriterier) og presse, kom ind, kom det resultat, som følger:,,,,, naturligvis et beløb array - formel kan hjælpe dig, = summen ((c2: c12 > 100) * (c2: c12 < 200) * c2: c12), husk at presse, ctrl + forskydning + ind, nøgler sammen for at få det rigtige resultat.,,,,