, \t\t , GetFileSize provides no way to turn a filesize into a descriptive string, this algorithm does,,function GetAFileSize(SizeInBytes: Integer): String;,, const,, Preffixes: array[0..3] of String = //Common file sizes preffixes,, (' Bytes', ' KB', 'MB', ' GB'); //Change if you want to anything that suits,, FormatSpecifier: array[Boolean] of String =,, ('%n', '%.2n'); //the way we format the string;,, var,, i: integer; //A counter,, TmpSize: Real; //A temporary variable,, begin,, i := -1; //Avoid compiler complain,, tmpSize := SizeInBytes; //Avoid compiler complain,, while (i <= 3) do //Main cycle it is done while i < High(Preffixes) but since,, //a file will rarely pass a GB up to 3,, begin, , , TmpSize := TmpSize /1024; //1 MB = 1024 KB, 1 KB = 1024 Bytes, 1 Byte = 8 Bits, 1 bit = nothing,, inc( i ); //increment counter and select preffix string,, if Trunc( TmpSize )= 0 then //we reached a maximum nuber of divisions so,, begin,, TmpSize := TmpSize * 1024; //Tmpsize was divided 1 time more than necessary,, Break; //Exit of loop;,, end;,, end;,,, //Actual formatting routine,, Result := Format(FormatSpecifier[((Frac(TmpSize)*10) >1)], [TmpSize]) + Preffixes[i];,, end;,,, Notes of interest:,, * These algorithm relies on delphi native format function, wich kind of limits it,, * It isnot part of windows api, you have to copy og pasta, når du bruger den, i modsætning til windows api, * har det korrekte afrunding og kan forlænges.
Getting a filesize
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